Permanent researcher at Institut de Recherche pour le Développement based at the MARBEC laboratory in Montpellier
Permanent researcher at Institut de Recherche pour le Développement based at the MARBEC laboratory in Montpellier
PhD, Marine Ecology with Honours
Distribution of cetaceans and seabirds in tropical oceans: roles of physiographic, oceanographic and biological factors. Laboratoire Littoral Environnement et Sociétés - Université de La Rochelle |
MSc, Agronomy (specialisation: Fisheries Sciences)
Ecole Nationale Supérieure Agronomique de Toulouse & Agrocampus Ouest, Rennes |
Oct 2022 Feb 2022 - Sep 2022 Feb 2020 - Jan 2022
Permanent researcher at Institut de Recherche pour le Développement based at the MARBEC laboratory in Montpellier Data scientist at FRB-CESAB in Montpellier
Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Researcher at the University of Montpellier
Research Labs: MARBEC, LIRMM & ENTROPIE Collaborators: D. Mouillot, M. Chaumont, L. Vigliola |
2019 (Jan-Dec)
Postdoctoral Researcher at IRD (Institut de Recherche pour le Développement)
Research Lab: MARBEC Supervisors: L. Dagorn and M. Capello |
Postdoctoral Researcher at Duke University
Research Lab: Marine Geospatial Ecology Lab Supervisor: P. Halpin |
Doctoral Researcher at the University of La Rochelle
Research Lab: Laboratoire Littoral Environnement et Sociétés Supervisor: V. Ridoux and P. Monestiez |
2010 (Jan-Aug)
MSc Researcher
Research Lab: Laboratoire Littoral Environnement et Sociétés Supervisor: V. Ridoux. |
2009 (May-Aug)
Research Assistant
University of Aberdeen. Supervisor: B. Scott. |
2009 (Feb-April)
Research Assistant
Observatoire Océanologique de Villefranche sur mer Supervisors: A. Sciandra and S. Rabouille |
- Mannocci, L., Derville, S., Seguin, R., Mouillot, D. (2024). Aerial Video Surveys and Spatial Prioritization Reveal Conservation Opportunities for Endangered Dugongs in New Caledonia. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 34, e4237.
- Letessier, T.B., Mouillot, D., Mannocci, L., Jabour Christ, H., Elamin, E.M., Elamin, S.M., Friedlander, A.M., Hearn, A., Juhel, J.-B., Kleiven, A.R., Moland, E., Mouquet, N., Nillos-Kleiven, P.J., Sala, E., Thompson, C.D.H., Velez, L., Vigliola, L., Meeuwig, J.J. (2024). Divergent responses of pelagic and benthic fish body-size structure to remoteness and protection from humans. Science 383, 976–982.
- Dawson, N.M., Coolsaet, B., Bhardwaj, A., Brown, D., Lliso, B., Loos, J., Mannocci, L., Martin, A., Oliva, M., Pascual, U., Sherpa, P., Worsdell, T. (2024). Reviewing the science on 50 years of conservation: Knowledge production biases and lessons for practice. Ambio.
- Maureaud, A.A., Palacios-Abrantes, J., Kitchel, Z., Mannocci, L., Pinsky, M.L., Fredston, A., Beukhof, E., Forrest, D.L., Frelat, R., Palomares, M.L.D., Pecuchet, L., Thorson, J.T., van Denderen, P.D., Mérigot, B. (2024). FISHGLOB_data: an integrated dataset of fish biodiversity sampled with scientific bottom-trawl surveys. Sci Data 11, 24.
- Sahri, A., Hocdé, R., Nandika, M., Fahmi, Tjarles, L., Alifatri, L., Manuhutu, J., Taborat, M., Bata, F., Kreb, D., Mustika, P., Mannocci, L. (2024). Updating the Cetacean Species List of Raja Ampat, Indonesia, with Additional Sightings of the Rarely Documented Omura’s Whale (Balaenoptera omurai) . Aquatic Mammals 50, 171–180.
- Heudier M., Mouillot D., Mannocci L. (2023) Assessing the effects of coral reef habitat and marine protected areas on threatened megafauna using aerial surveys. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 1–12.
- Letessier T.B., Mannocci L., Goodwin B., Embling C., de Vos A., Anderson R.C., Ingram S.N., Rogan A., Turvey S.T. (2023) Contrasting ecological information content in whaling archives with modern cetacean surveys for conservation planning and identification of historical distribution changes. Conservation Biology. 2023;e14043.
- Desgarnier L., Mouillot D., Vigliola L., Chaumont M., Mannocci L. (2022) Putting eagle rays on the map by coupling aerial video-surveys and deep learning. Biological Conservation 267(7):109494
- Virgili, A., Hedon, L., Authier, M., Calmettes, B., Claridge, D., Cole, T., Corkeron, P., Dorémus, G., Dunn, C., Dunn, T. E., Laran, S., Lehodey, P., Lewis, M., Louzao, M., Mannocci, L., Martínez-Cedeira, J., Monestiez, P., Palka, D., Pettex, E., … Ridoux, V. (2021). Towards a better characterisation of deep-diving whales’ distributions by using prey distribution model outputs? PLOS ONE, 16(8), e0255667.
- Mannocci L, Villon S, Chaumont M, Guellati N, Mouquet N, Iovan C, Vigliola L, Mouillot D (2021). Leveraging social media and deep learning to detect rare megafauna in video surveys. Conservation Biology 1:11.
- Mannocci L, Baidai Y, Forget F, Travassos Tolotti M, Dagorn L, Capello M (2021). Machine learning to detect bycatch risk: Novel application to echosounder buoys data in tuna purse seine fisheries. Biological Conservation 255: 109004.
- Mannocci L, Forget F, Travassos Tolotti M, Bach P, Bez N, Demarcq H, Kaplan D, Sabarros P, Simier M, Capello M, Dagorn L (2020). Predicting bycatch hotspots in tropical tuna purse seine fisheries at the basin scale. Global Ecology and Conservation 24 e01393.
- Bouchet PJ, Miller DL, Roberts JJ, Mannocci L, Harris CM, Thomas L. (2020). dsmextra: Extrapolation assessment tools for density surface models. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 11: 1464–1469.
- Mannocci L, Robert J, Pedersen E, Halpin P (2020) Geographical differences in habitat relationships of cetaceans
across an ocean basin. Ecography 43:1250–1259.
- Virgili A, Authier M, Cadeira J, Cañadas A, Cole T, Corkeron P, Dorémus G, David L, Di-Méglio N, Dunn C, Dunn T, Hammond P, Josephson E, Laran S, Lewis M, Louzao M, Luiz L, Mannocci L, Moscrop A, Palka D, Panigada S, Pettex E, Roberts J, Santos MB, Van Canneyt O, Vázquez Bonales JA, Monestiez P, Ridoux V (2019) Combining visual surveys to model habitat of deep-diving cetaceans at the basin scale. Global Ecology and Biogeography 28:300–314.
- Yates KL, Bouchet PJ, Caley MJ, Mengersen K, Randin CF, Parnell S, Fielding AH, Bamford AJ, Ban S, Barbosa AM, Dormann CF, Elith J, Embling CB, Ervin GN, Fisher R, Gould S, Graf RF, Gregr EJ, Halpin PN, Heikkinen RK, Heinänen S, Jones AR, Krishnakumar PK, Lauria V, Lozano-Montes H, Mannocci L, Mellin C, Mesgaran MB, Moreno-Amat E, Mormede S, Novaczek E, Oppel S, Ortuño Crespo G, Peterson AT, Rapacciuolo G, Roberts JJ, Ross RE, Scales KL, Schoeman D, Snelgrove P, Sundblad G, Thuiller W, Torres LG, Verbruggen H, Wang L, Wenger S, Whittingham MJ, Zharikov Y, Zurell D, Sequeira AMM (2018). Outstanding challenges in the transferability of ecological models. Trends in Ecology and evolution 2418 1–13
- Mannocci L, Roberts JJ, Halpin PN, Authier M, Boisseau O, Bradai MN, Cañadas A, Chicote C, David L, Di-Méglio N, Frantzis A, Gazo M, Genov T, Hammond P, Holcer D, Kaschner K, Kerem D, Lauriano G, Lewis T, Notarbartolo di Sciara G, Panigada S, Raga JA, Scheinin A, Ridoux V, Vella A, Vella J (2018). Assessing cetacean surveys throughout the Mediterranean Sea: a gap analysis in environmental space. Scientific Reports 8:3126
- Mannocci L, Boustany A, Roberts J, Palacios D, Dunn D, Halpin P, Viehman S, Moxley J, Cleary J, Bailey H, Bograd S, Becker E, Gardner B, Hartog J, Hazen E, Ferguson M, Forney K, Oliver M, Perretti C, Ridoux V, Teo S, Winship A. (2017) Temporal resolutions in species distribution models of highly mobile marine animals: recommendations for ecologists and managers. Diversity and Distributions 23:1098–1109.
- Mannocci L, Roberts JJ, Miller DL, Halpin PN (2017). Extrapolating cetacean densities beyond surveyed regions to quantitatively assess human impacts on populations in the high seas. Conservation Biology 31(3): 601–614.
- Roberts JJ, Best BD, Mannocci L, Fujioka E, Halpin PN, Palka DL, Garrison LP, Mullin KD, Cole TVN, McLellan WN, Lockhart GG (2016). Habitat-based cetacean density models for the U.S. Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico. Scientific Reports 6: 22615.
- Mannocci L, Monestiez P, Spitz J, Ridoux V. (2015) Extrapolating cetacean densities beyond surveyed regions: Habitat-based predictions in the circumtropical belt. Journal of Biogeography 42:1267-1280.
- Lambert C, Mannocci L, Lehodey P, Ridoux V. (2014). Predicting cetacean habitats from their energetic needs and the distribution of their prey in two contrasted tropical regions. PLoS ONE 9(8): e105958.
- Mannocci L, Catalogna M, Dorémus G, Laran S, Massart W, Monestiez P, Van Canneyt O, Watremez P, Ridoux V (2014). Predicting cetacean and seabird habitats across a productivity gradient in the South Pacific gyre. Progress in Oceanography 120: 383–398.
- Mannocci L, Laran S, Monestiez P, Dorémus G, Van Canneyt O, Watremez P, Ridoux V (2014). Predicting top predator habitats in the Southwest Indian Ocean. Ecography 37: 261–278.
- Mannocci L, Monestiez P, Bolaños-Jiménez J, Dorémus G, Jeremie S, Laran S, Rinaldi R, Van Canneyt O, Ridoux V (2013). Megavertebrate communities from two contrasting ecosystems in the western tropical Atlantic. Journal of Marine Systems 111–112: 208–222.
- Mannocci L, Dabin W, Augeraud-Véron E, Dupuy J-F, Barbraud C, Ridoux V (2012). Assessing the impact of bycatch on dolphin populations: the case of the common dolphin in the eastern North Atlantic. PLoS ONE 7(2): e32615.